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Aug 25, 20232 min read
Legacy Planning - don't put it off!
Many people plan what they will do when they retire but completely neglect what will happen when they are gone….and the truth is, nobody...

Aug 15, 20233 min read
When to Take Your Social Security?
When is the best time to pull your Social Security - stick with us and you'll learn how to avoid paying more taxes than you need to!

Aug 9, 20232 min read
Longevity Risk
Planning for retirement is risky business! No, not the Tom Cruise type of risky business - it’s just that there is a lot to consider...

Jul 31, 20233 min read
Financial Mindset Pitfalls
Mindset is often defined as “an established set of attitudes of a person or group concerning culture, values, philosophy, frame of mind,...

Jul 24, 20233 min read
It's Time For Your Financial Check-Up!
Your Mid-Year Financial Check-Up Guide and why it's so valuable!

May 8, 20234 min read
Your Path to 0% - Making Moves Now to Ensure You Fall into the Lowest Tax Bracket in the Future
With the sting of tax day fresh in our collective memories, the last thing most of us want to hear is that taxes are at a historical low.

Apr 25, 20234 min read
Our Why - Mother-Daughter Team Shares Their Story & Motivations Behind Compass Financial
Together, Karen & Sam are Compass Financial and committed to helping you navigate your wealth for what matters most to you.

Nov 1, 20222 min read
Mile 10 | The Retirement Race - It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Make no mistake, marathons may be run by one, but getting across that finish line is often achieved through the contributions of many....

Oct 17, 20222 min read
Mile 9 | The Retirement Race - It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
At the end of the day, your plan is only ever as good as its execution.

Sep 2, 20222 min read
Mile 8 | The Retirement Race - It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
It’s time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Training is all about finding your edge and then intentionally pushing it.

Aug 1, 20222 min read
Mile 7 | The Retirement Race - It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Begin your race with the end in mind. Picture yourself crossing that finish line - checkered flags, cheers, happy tears and all. There is...

Jul 7, 20222 min read
Mile 6 | The Retirement Race - It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Consistency is queen. When it comes to your retirement strategy, forming and honing your money habits is key for going the distance.

Jun 7, 20222 min read
Mile 5 | The Retirement Race - It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
As with most things, you’re only as good as your Plan B… some would argue even your Plan D, but let’s ease into all this. For your...

May 26, 20223 min read
IS NOW A GOOD TIME TO BUY A HOME? |It's the million dollar question!
Answering your questions about buying and selling, mortgage rates, and what to expect in the future. 2022 has been one for the books…....

May 5, 20222 min read
Mile 4 | The Retirement Race - It’s a Marathon, Not A Sprint
Stick to the plan, mind your pace and don’t get greedy - taking risk and timeline into account with your retirement One of the tried and...

Apr 1, 20222 min read
Mile 3 | The Retirement Race - It’s a Marathon, Not A Sprint
When it comes to your financial strategies and retirement plan, it makes sense to call in the coach.

Mar 1, 20222 min read
Mile 2 | The Retirement Race - It’s a Marathon, Not A Sprint
The promise of sticking with a solid plan is being prepared to run your big race. The same holds true for retirement.

Feb 1, 20223 min read
Mile 1 | The Retirement Race - It’s a Marathon, Not A Sprint
When it comes to the retirement race, the reality is that you’re running a marathon, not a sprint.

Mar 1, 20212 min read
Stone Or Sand - What's Your Financial Foundation Built On?
Ask any architect or contractor you know, and they will tell you the key to a successful building is a strong foundation. The same is...

Jan 12, 20213 min read
New Year, New You? Let's Try New Year, Better You!
We truly believe “What you focus on expands” so as we look to 2021 here are a few ideas to help you shift your focus...
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